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How to access analytics and display useful figures

Written by Leslie
Updated over 3 years ago


Analytics are only available for organizations.

Once an organization subscribes to the Analytics option, you can access the Analytics boards from the main menu of Augment manager.

If the organisation owns teams, they can be used to filter analytics.

Here the organization has 2 teams.

Click on  "Analytics" or the desired entry to display the analytics boards.


Time filter

At the top of a board a filter is available to choose the period used to compute the different figures.

You may select the period basis and use the calendar to pick precise dates.


The figures are sorted in 2 sections:

  • Activity: reports on user accounts and devices

  • 3D Models: reports on viewed 3d models

Activity is the active section by default.

Unique active user count:
The figure displays how many users/accounts were active during the given period.

Here 13 users were active (connected) on November 26th.

You may position the cursor over a curve of the graph to have details.

Unique active user count grouped by team:
The figure displays how many users/accounts were active in each team during the given period.

Here among the 13 users active on November 26th, 12 are members of the Team 1.

You may enlighten a curve of the graph when positioning the cursor over a label.
Here the Team 2 curve is enlightened.

Unique active user count grouped by user:
The figure displays who was connected during the given period.

Here user3, user7 and user9 were connected on November 26th.
user11 was only connected on November 19th and user2 never signed in during the displayed period.

Unique active device count:
The figure displays how many devices (smartphones, tablets) were connected during the given period.

Here 9 devices were connected on November 20th but none on November 24th.

Unique active device count grouped by team:
The figure displays how many devices were connected in each team during the given period.

Here on November 20th, among the 9 devices connected:

  • 4 devices were used by Team 1 members

  • 4 devices were used by Team 2 members

  • 1 device was used by a user who doesn't belong to a team

Unique active device count grouped by user:
The figure displays how many devices were used by each user during the given period.

Here on November 25th, user5 used 2 devices.

3D Models

To display figures linked to the 3d model views, activate the corresponding section.

Total model3d view count:
The figure displays how many models were viewed during the given period.

Here 37 models were viewed on November 27th but only 1 on December 2nd.

Viewed 3D models grouped by team:
The figure displays how many models were viewed by each team during the given period.

Here on November 27th, among the 37 models viewed:

  • 34 models were viewed by Team 1 members

  • Only 1 model was viewed by Team 2 members

  • 2 models were viewed by users who don't belong to a team

Viewed 3D models grouped by user:
The figure displays how many models were viewed by each user during the given period.

Here on November 27th, user2 was very active and viewed 23 models.

Don't forget that details are available when hovering the graph with the cursor.

Viewed 3D models grouped by name:
The figure displays which models were accessed and how popular they were during the given period.

Here the model represented 12.9% of the views during the given period.

Viewed 3D models grouped by location:
The map displays where the models (and so devices that opened them) were accessed during the given period.

Here the main activity is located in Spain: 238 models were viewed.

 You may zoom on the map to better see the hot spots.


Figures can be exported as table clicking on the button "Export" in the top right corner of the different graphes.

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