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3D model toolbar

An overview of your 3D model toolbar

Written by Leslie
Updated over a week ago

The video tutorial of this topic can be found here.
Each 3D model's toolbar is accessible upon tapping and selecting the 3D model. Not all tools are available for each 3D model -- only the ones that are enabled will appear. 

The following are the tools that may be available in your 3D model toolbar. Depending on the orientation and size of your device, some tools may be off screen to the right:

  • REMOVE the selected 3D model from your scene.

  • CHANGE your selected 3D model with another 3D model from your gallery.

  • DUPLICATE the selected 3D model. The duplicate will appear alongside the original but may be off screen.

  • MATERIALS (not shown above) will allow you to choose between different textures and colors for the selected 3D model. Learn more here.

  • 3D VIEW enables you to solely view the 3D model without the environment.

  • LINK will click out to a webpage associated with the 3D model.

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