The "offline data" option enables you to download 3D models on your device to keep visualizing them when you are no longer connected to the Internet, when you want to accelerate the opening of a model or when you desire to control your data consumption.
It prevents the application to load remote heavy 3D data without your agreement. In this mode, only items explicitly downloaded on the device are available whatever the status of your Internet connection.
Activating the option
The option is available in the account menu as a switch button. Just click on it to activate or deactivate the offline mode.
Offline option disabled (left) and enabled (right)
A reset button enables you to delete the 3D data locally stored to free space or clean the state of your folders.
Confirmation dialog
Offline behavior
When the option is deactivated all the functionalities are available and you can access all the folders of the 3D Vault. You may locally download the folders of your choice or use remote data. The 3D models which are already stored on the device will not be downloaded again when visualized in AR but the others will be* each time they are opened (* a local cache may be used to locally keep the latest viewed models).
When the option is activated, data-intensive features are no longer available and only the folders of the 3D Vault previously downloaded can be opened.
The system is completely independent of your Internet connectivity which means that models can fail to load when offline mode is inactive if your network is unreachable or small amount of data may be fetched while in offline mode to keep your 3D Vault up to date.
Folder gallery without (left) and with (right) active offline mode
Note: The atomicity of the offline data is the folder: a single 3d model cannot be reached and used in offline mode if the rest of the folder was not downloaded. Keep your models in small logical groups to benefit from a higher flexibility when choosing the folders to download on the device.
Model gallery with remote (left) and local (right) models
Downloading folders
The folder and model cards of the galleries display a small pictogram to indicate the state of the data and the actions that can be triggered.
States visible on a folder item
States visible on a 3d model item
Actions can be reached by clicking on the pictogram of a folder. They can be triggered to get remote data or delete local files.
download: Download the 3d models of the folder to locally use them. A green progress bar just below the folder card indicates the download progress.
update: Update the local content of the folder when some 3d models are outdated. The new versions are downloaded and replace the former files.
repair: Try to update or download the 3d models which are still erroneous. This can fix errors due to connectivity issues during the download.
delete: Locally remove the 3d models contained in the folder.
cancel: Stop the current action (download, update or repair)
Action menu and progress bar
The 3D Vault displayed on the application is an image of the content manageable on your account on the Augment platform
When your add or remove models on the platform you need to manually refresh the image. To start the refresh just vertically swipe the gallery.
After refreshing the gallery, the states of the folder may change:
A folder marked as local can be then indicated as remote because new models have been added and need to downloaded to complete the local content of the folder;
A folder partially downloaded or outdated can become local because the remote models were removed;
An error may disappear, for example if it is fixed in the remote 3D Vault.