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Materials in Augment

Detailed guide to set and optimize Materials for Augment

Written by Leslie
Updated over 3 years ago

Recommendations for Materials

  • Reflection

Augment allows the use of reflection settings, but depending on your 3D software you may need to edit the settings of your materials to export it correctly. The exported value may be at a different place from the settings you commonly use to set reflection (for instance in 3dsMax, the exported value is the reflection map amount, although there is no map used).

The reflection settings can also be lost depending on your 3D file format used. It may not export in OBJ format, we recommend DAE format to export reflection value correctly.

Also note that you should avoid reflection on maximum level, prefer 99% or less. In Augment the 100% reflection has been set as an equivalent to 10% because on lots of 3D softwares, by default the model is exported with maximum reflection and users get unwanted 100% metallic models. 

  • Opacity

The opacity in Augment is displayed with mobile real time specifications, for this reason the settings of your model's materials may require some adjustments to adapt to Augment engine.

Please note the opacity effect in Augment engine currently doesn't have a realistic render and may behave differently compared to your 3D software.

  • Glossiness

Adding glossiness can create light artifacts on the model if the mesh is low, the elements with high glossiness need a mesh more dense. It also tends to bring to the eye stretched mesh by creating specular artifacts, the mesh needs to be wisely checked. 

  • Specular

The specular level and color are merged in Augment, as in some 3D softwares. Depending on the 3D software used, the behaving may be tested to avoid a divergence in the final appearance.

  • Ambient

Please note that ambient is currently unavailable in Augment.

  • Lighting

Augment uses one dynamic light only. The light position is from the top.

Tips for exporting materials :

  • Supported formats don’t export materials that are native from a specific software, plugin, or renderer. Due to this export limitations of the 3D softwares, and to the variety of 3D softwares that can be used to produce models, only standard materials work in Augment. 

  • To prevent from losing materials and linked textures, please check that all the materials used on your models are only standard materials.

  • It is also highly recommended to carefully check the different materials behaving after export, as the interpretation of the materials settings varies a lot depending on the 3D software used. Some adjustments may be necessary.


To learn about mesh in Augment, check here.

To learn about textures in Augment, check here.

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